Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wow... Long time...

So sorry for it being so long. We have been pretty busy in the past week. We have been doing lots of small parties and have been making Vegan Goodie Baskets, which has been a lot of fun! "Pictures of those soon"!!! We have also been working on a very big video, "What to do with leftover Pumpkin"we have been making a lot of different types of dishes that uses pumpkin, and we use all of it!! Even the peel!!! We can not wait to show everyone once we are done! We have even show how to make body scrubs and face masks from the pumpkin!
We have not forgotten about you dear bloggers! We have had a lot on our plate, but Raven and I promise that when we have free time we will update you all as we go!

So far we have made Body Scrubs, Face Masks, Biscotti, Baked Bao, Pancakes, Oil, Bread, Soup and fried balls all made from pumpkin!! We plan on making a few more recipes and then we will be posting them on our YouTube page!!! We are so excited!!
Let Us Know What You Think! If there is something you would like us to try out and or show. Also if you have any questions feel free to comment and or email us!!
Thanks for Reading!!

Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day Off Day Two...

Well, went for a run today in Balboa Park. It was the Perfect morning to run, not too hot, not too cold, just right. Came back home and found that Bear had yet again struck, this time I left him in my bathroom. It was trashed but at least it was only in one section. I was a little angry, but since i expected it this time around I was able to get over it rather quickly. I made myself a wonderful scramble. Egg whites, spinach, mushrooms and red hot peppers, Yum!! Next plan for the day will be Bread making, I'm teaching a few family members and friends how to make their own bread. It will be a lot of fun!! I made some calculations and for my recipe it makes four loafs of bread that cost me $.75 to make all four loafs! That's crazy! It costs me at least $3.00 for one loaf at the store! I think I'm going to stick to making my own bread from now on, what a money saver and there are less ingredients in it!!

Have you made your own bread? Maybe Yogurt? Or Granola? Let us know we would love to hear about it!!
Thanks for Reading!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Day Off... Wish I was Working!

Well we have a few days off, we haven't received any calls for parties or platters to be made for the next several days... So what happened on my first day off today so far...
Woke up, to the dog that I'm nursing back to health out for a potty break then I put him back in my room, I then went to the gym. It was a very good class "Tone and Sculpt" I'm sure i will feel it tomorrow morning. When I came home I went to my room where everything was trashed, lets start with the bad news shall we... After sleepless nights taking care of this dog, helping it get better so that he is well enough to find a new home he decided to repay me by redecorating... Trash from my bathroom everywhere, he somehow opened my cabinet filled with cleaned towels and took them all out, he decided that my favorite hat was a chew toy and that my bed was his new dog bed. Good News... He's well enough to find a home!!! I spent the rest of the morning yelling, picking up the towels off the floor and throwing back on the floor with an angry fit and picking it back up again, after everything was clean and I had calmed down I looked in his eyes and told him that I was glad that he was feeling better, but that if he did that again he would no longer be sleeping in a warm house.

Plans for today:
Teach a friend how to make baguettes
Make some Homemade 2% plain yogurt
Find Bear A New Home
Go spend some time with my grandmother

How's your day going so far? Anything crazy happen? What are your plans?
Thanks for Reading!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sorry its been so long

We have been very busy lately, Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, Parties, Cakes, Baked Goods and a lot of discussion on changing our business a little bit.

Raven and I are considering changing our catering business to be strictly Vegan. Most of our clients have been Vegan clients, especially when it comes down to making vegan gluten free cakes. What do you think? We know that if we do everything we have more options for everyone, however if we just focus on Vegan Cuisine we will have more time to become creative and think right outside the box... there is so much to consider. Anyway At the moment we are baking Vegan Baguettes to make some fantastic sandwiches for a small get together. I'll try to write more as often as I can, here are a few things we have done over the last couple weeks.
Thanks for Reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Friday, December 30, 2011

The New Year is Coming!

The New Year is coming... Wow this year has gone by so quickly. And I feel that we have done a lot , but at the same time not enough. I think for the New Year we will try to save up more, to give more. But in order to do that we will be needing a lot more clients. Raven and I love doing Probono parties, but if we don't have the funds it limits us to doing it. It may take money to make money, but it also takes money to give something back. I think We are going to open an account and start saving for people who need food, not food from a can, but fresh homemade comfort food. I beileve that will be one of our focuses for this Next Year.
We are going to the WorldBeat Cultural Center for New Years Eve this Year. We wanted to do something fun and relaxing, a great way to end and start the New Year. If you wish to join us you can Register at its free admission the registration is so that they have an idea of how many people are going. There will be food, dancers, drum circles, and yoga sessions. So if you want a fun and Relaxing evening come join us at the WorldBeat Cultural Center in Balboa Park.

About New Years

Today we use Gregorian calendar as well as the Julian calendar used in ancient Rome. With most countries using the Gregorian calendar as their main calendar, New Year's Day is the closest thing to being the world's only truly global public holiday, often celebrated with fireworks at the stroke of midnight as the New Year starts.  


The Romans dedicated this day to Janus, the god of gates, doors, and beginnings. After Julius Caesar updated the calendar in 46 BC and was then tragically murdered, the Roman Senate voted to deify him on January 1st 42 BC, in honor of his life and his new updated calendar. The month of Januray owes its name to the Janus, who had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking back. This suggests that New Year's celebrations are founded on pagan traditions.

Among the 7th century pagans of Flanders and the Netherlands, it was the custom to exchange gifts at the New Year. Most countries in Western Europe officially adopted January 1 as New Year's Day somewhat before they adopted the Gregorian calendar. In England, the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25, was the first day of the new year until the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar in 1752. The March 25 date was known as Annunciation Style; the January 1 date was known as Circumcision Style, because this was the date of the Feast of the Circumcision, being the eighth day counting from December 25 when Christ was believed to be born. This day was christened as the beginning of the New Year by Pope Gregory as he designed the Liturgical Calendar.

Chinese New Year is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is the first day of the lunar calendar and is corrected for the solar every three years. The holiday normally falls between January 20th and February 20th. The holiday is celebrated with plenty of good food, families, lucky red envelopes (filled with money), and many other red things to resembles good luck. Lion and dragon dances, drums, fireworks, firecrackers, and other types of entertainment fill the streets on this day. It is the favorite holiday for many adults and children who celebrate it.

 Hindu New Year falls at the time and date the Sun enters Aries on the Hindu calendar; normally on April 13th or April 14th depending on the Leap year. The New Year is celebrated by the young and old. Children of all ages pay their respects by seeking their parents and other elder’s blessings. They also exchange tokens of good wishes for a healthy and prosperous year ahead.

 Islamic New Year moves from year to year because the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar.

 Israel is one country that uses the Gregorian calendar but does not formally celebrate the New Year's holiday — mainly due to objections by religious parties on the holiday's non-Jewish origins. However, there are Israeli Jews who partake in some sort of celebration. The date of the Jewish new year is celebrated on Rosh Hashanah no matter where the location.

 Japanese New Year in Japan is celebrated on January 1 because the Gregorian calendar is now used instead of the Chinese calendar.

 Korean New Year called Seolnal is the first day of the lunar calendar. Koreans also celebrate solar New Year's Day on January 1 each year, following the Gregorian calendar. People get a day off that day while have minimum three days off on Lunar New Year. People celebrate New Year's Day by preparing food for the ancestors' spirits, visiting ancestors' graves, then playing Korean games such as Yutnol'i  with families. Young children give respect to their parents, grandparents, relatives, and other elders by bowing down in a traditional way and are given good wishes and some money by the elders. Families enjoy the New Year  also by counting down until 12:00 a.m., which would be New Year's Day.

 Ethiopian New Year called Enqutatash. It is celebrated on September 11 or September 12 based on the leap year. Ethiopian use their own ancient calendar. However some say it has connection with Julian calendar.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas!! And Happy Holidays!!
7AM: I just placed the turkey in at 428 degrees F for the first 15 minutes. I will then place the temperature down to 356 for the remainder time which will be between 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours. I'm so excited!!! The Family has not got up yet, so I think I will surprise them with a Christmas Breakfast!!!
Hope you all are safe, warm, and full of joy with your loved ones!!!

8AM The turkey has been in the Oven for One hour now, it smells amazing. The Aroma has woken my family and they all had to come to the kitchen to see what it was. ;D Which worked out perfectly, because The Christmas Breakfast had jut finished. I made baked French Toast, and with it I made scrambled eggs and hash browns. Fresh squeezed Orange Juice, Milk and Eggnog. We are going to eat talk about our Christmas presents that we opened last night and then the cooking for our lunch/dinner will begin!

9AM Last hour for the Turkey to be in the Oven, It smells amazing throughout the entire house!! Cant wait for it to come out of the oven! We are going to let it sit for the same amount of time that it took to cook, we are then making the gravy. Not to mention we will be making all the sides while we are waiting for the turkey to rest! :D so happy!

10AM The Turkey Smells and Looks Amazing!! We are now taking it out of the oven to rest for three hours before serving... Now we have started on our stuffing, mushroom casserole, green beans, and Brussels Sprouts. Yum!!

12PM Everything is smelling great!! Just finished the gravy, one of the stuffing's and mushroom casserole. Almost done with the second stuffing, about to start the roasted potatoes, peeling the other potatoes for the mash, Ham, and prepping the Brussels Sprouts and green beans. two hours left and everyone will be here for a fantastic feast!!

1PM Almost everything is done, Ham should be out of the oven soon, roasted potatoes are coming out soon. Finishing up the last touches and setting up the table. One more hour and food will be in our stomachs!!

2:30PM Food!!

3:30PM Desserts!! Lemon Meringue, Chocolate Cream Pie, Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Pumpkin Spice Bread and a pie I did not make that was brought over... Not sure what it was, but it tasted amazing!!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!! Hope All Is Well!!
Thanks for Reading!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Well yesterday I made all of the desserts on our list plus two more.

First thing I made was Mini Pumpkin Spice Bread, this dessert bread is so yummy, especially since I made a honey whipped butter to go with it. This bread is so Christmas! It has all that Season To Be Joly flavor, it makes my family happy and even though it meant extra time on my feet, which killed my ankle by the end of the night, it was worth it, because the minute I saw that smile on their faces, pain wasn't even a thing to think about. I'm not sure who invented the pumpkin bread or when it was first introduced, all I know it was pure genius.

Second thing I made was the Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes, this cake was invented around 1900's, when the typical housewife wanted to make a cake very decorative for her family and guests. However, the pineapple rings went used until 1911 when James Dole's engineers invented a machine that would cut the pineapple into rings. The first recipe for pineapple upside down cake wasn't issued until 1936 in the Sears Roebuck Catalog. This isn't a Christmas dessert, but my brothers would kill me if it wasn't on the dessert table.

Third thing I made was Chocolate Cream Pie, the kids love this pie, and my mom loves mine. I make mine out of dark chocolate, and I do not over sweeten it. I love my chocolate to have a little bitter bite to it, making my mom happy with a dessert she can have because she can't eat over sweet desserts and make the kids happy because its chocolate. Cream Pies are medieval they go way back, custards were made often, especially into pies, however the Chocolate Cream Pie was not introduced until the 19th century.

Fourth thing I made was Lemon Meringue Pie, this pie is my brother Niko's ultimate favorite pie, if I didn't make this, chances is he wouldn't have talked to me for some time. This citrus fluffy pie is amazing! The Quakers are the creators of the invention of lemon custard in the late 1700s. Elizabeth Coane Goodfellow, is the amazing genius of her time who invented the Lemon Meringue Pie in 1806. If it wasn't for this woman, who knows how much longer we would of had to wait to taste this wonderful treat!!

The next plan for today, have Christmas Eve breakfast at my fathers house, then come back to my mothers where I will be helping on Marinating the Turkey, Boiling the ham, Starting both stuffing's, and prep for tomorrow. its going to be a great Christmas!! Happy Holidays Everyone!! Hope it is full of joy, hope and warmth!
Thanks for Reading!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC