Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wow... Long time...

So sorry for it being so long. We have been pretty busy in the past week. We have been doing lots of small parties and have been making Vegan Goodie Baskets, which has been a lot of fun! "Pictures of those soon"!!! We have also been working on a very big video, "What to do with leftover Pumpkin"we have been making a lot of different types of dishes that uses pumpkin, and we use all of it!! Even the peel!!! We can not wait to show everyone once we are done! We have even show how to make body scrubs and face masks from the pumpkin!
We have not forgotten about you dear bloggers! We have had a lot on our plate, but Raven and I promise that when we have free time we will update you all as we go!

So far we have made Body Scrubs, Face Masks, Biscotti, Baked Bao, Pancakes, Oil, Bread, Soup and fried balls all made from pumpkin!! We plan on making a few more recipes and then we will be posting them on our YouTube page!!! We are so excited!!
Let Us Know What You Think! If there is something you would like us to try out and or show. Also if you have any questions feel free to comment and or email us!!
Thanks for Reading!!

Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

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