Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Well yesterday I made all of the desserts on our list plus two more.

First thing I made was Mini Pumpkin Spice Bread, this dessert bread is so yummy, especially since I made a honey whipped butter to go with it. This bread is so Christmas! It has all that Season To Be Joly flavor, it makes my family happy and even though it meant extra time on my feet, which killed my ankle by the end of the night, it was worth it, because the minute I saw that smile on their faces, pain wasn't even a thing to think about. I'm not sure who invented the pumpkin bread or when it was first introduced, all I know it was pure genius.

Second thing I made was the Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes, this cake was invented around 1900's, when the typical housewife wanted to make a cake very decorative for her family and guests. However, the pineapple rings went used until 1911 when James Dole's engineers invented a machine that would cut the pineapple into rings. The first recipe for pineapple upside down cake wasn't issued until 1936 in the Sears Roebuck Catalog. This isn't a Christmas dessert, but my brothers would kill me if it wasn't on the dessert table.

Third thing I made was Chocolate Cream Pie, the kids love this pie, and my mom loves mine. I make mine out of dark chocolate, and I do not over sweeten it. I love my chocolate to have a little bitter bite to it, making my mom happy with a dessert she can have because she can't eat over sweet desserts and make the kids happy because its chocolate. Cream Pies are medieval they go way back, custards were made often, especially into pies, however the Chocolate Cream Pie was not introduced until the 19th century.

Fourth thing I made was Lemon Meringue Pie, this pie is my brother Niko's ultimate favorite pie, if I didn't make this, chances is he wouldn't have talked to me for some time. This citrus fluffy pie is amazing! The Quakers are the creators of the invention of lemon custard in the late 1700s. Elizabeth Coane Goodfellow, is the amazing genius of her time who invented the Lemon Meringue Pie in 1806. If it wasn't for this woman, who knows how much longer we would of had to wait to taste this wonderful treat!!

The next plan for today, have Christmas Eve breakfast at my fathers house, then come back to my mothers where I will be helping on Marinating the Turkey, Boiling the ham, Starting both stuffing's, and prep for tomorrow. its going to be a great Christmas!! Happy Holidays Everyone!! Hope it is full of joy, hope and warmth!
Thanks for Reading!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

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