Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Monday, December 5, 2011

Man-Raised Salmon...

Farmed Raised Salmon...
Seven reasons why you should avoid it:
1. They have 7 times the levels of PCB's as wild
2. They have 30 times the number of sea lice
3. They are fed chemically modified pellets made from chicken feces, soy, genetically modified canola oil and fish that have high toxin levels of their own
4. They are fed Chemical dyes to keep their pink/red color
5. Are given a high concentration of Antibiotics that are the highest than any livestock
6. Have less Omega 3's due to lack of wild diet
7. Are crowed into small areas inhibiting movement, and causing disease

Wild salmon rarely eat other fish, in fact they feed on krill which mostly are toxin-free and the krill is what naturally gives salmon their rich red color. They farmed raised salmon turn naturally gray in color do do their lack of wild diet and movement, so they are fed chemical dyes to give their pink/red color.
Because they are forced to be contained in such a small area it causes them have more diseases and sea lice, forcing farmers to give them antibiotics, however to keep them healthy the levels of antibiotics given to these farmed raised salmon are so high that not only is it the highest level given to any livestock, but that consumers of the farmed raised salmon build up a resistance to antibiotics.
Depending on where the farmed raised salmon is purchased depends on the levels of PCB's that are in these fish. FDA recommends to not eat more than one meal of salmon a month. Some salmons are so high in PCB's that its recommended that it shouldn't be consumed more than six meals a year!!
Why are PCB's bad? PCB's can help develop and raise cancers into humans, making eating farmed raised salmon less appetizing. Over 23 million Americans eat Salmon to this day and more than once a month. Making the levels of increasing your risk of getting cancer very high.

WHAT CAN YOU DO... to reduce your exposure to PCB's:
1.Trim the fat of the farmed raised salmon before cooking it.
2.As a cooking method choose broiling, baking or grilling these cooking methods allow the fat where most of the PCB's are to cook off the fish, frying it will just cause it to cook back into the fish.
3.Try not to consume more than once a month of farmed raised salmon
4. When possible choose wild caught Alaskan Salmon instead of Farmed Raised

The first picture is a man-farmed-raised Salmon containment unit, as you can see how much room they have to roam. The second picture is of how the farmed raised salmon looks like before it is fed the chemical dyes for its coloring. And the third is of what Wild Salmon looks like.

Hope this was helpful if you would like to see the sites that I went to they are: the article on that one is "is farm-raised salmon as healthy as wild"

Thanks for Reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

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