Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sorry I have been sick...

So sorry that In have not written, I have been sick. And could not work for a couple of days. I have been wondering how the kitchen has been with out me, my staff say they are doing fine. Raven says everything is going smoothly. I trust him, he is an awesome partner! I just think getting sick is a waste of time. I'm feeling a lot better! I can't wait to get back to work, but I'll have to wait till Monday :(, Sunday I'll have a new vlog up on our YouTube page make sure to check it out and comment!!
Monday we are going to be doing holiday cookies and sometime next week we will be attempting the macaroons again! So stay tune for that! We will make sure to keep you updated!!
I hope everyone is well and healthy. Make sure to overdose on Vitamin C, drink lots of water and stay warm!!! Being sick just flat out sucks!
I was recommended to try this soup that will help my cold go away faster, it has helped, however its so bland and boring... It is 4 medium onions, 4 cloves garlic and 4 cups of water. Boil for 25 to 30 minutes. then pour yourself a bowl, bundle yourself up and eat while its hot. You must finish your bowl of soup within 15 minutes. Then try to have a second bowl if you can. After that stay under warm covers for at least one hour to two hours. This soup will sweat you out, you will want to take a hot shower after this... and repeat till you are feeling better or in my case can't stand to eat something so bland anymore.
Have you ever tried something that someone had recommended to you to cure a cold? If so what was it? How did you like it? And most importantly did it work?
Thanks for Reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonCuisine

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