Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Friday, September 30, 2011

Stuffed Camel

Stuffed camel has been claimed to be the traditional Bedouin Wedding feast, served at weddings of Sheikhs and family members. Just like the well known North American dish Turducken, which consists of birds stuffed with birds, the stuffed camel is in the sense done the same way.
A whole Stuffed camel is a culinary delicacy composed of a medium-sized camel, stuffed with a sheep or lamb and then stuffed with other ingredients.
Although the recipes has been published in a wide variety of books and web pages, the recipe is often treated as a joke, that people might think its an exaggeration of the real, but less impressive meal. A posting on describes the recipe as if it is in fact a joke when its including instructions on how to skin, trim, clean, and debone the camel and sheep or lamb.
In the Guinness Book of World Records states "The largest item on any menu in the world is roasted camel, prepared occasionally for Bedouin Wedding Feasts. Cooked eggs are stuffed into fish, fish stuffed into cooked chicken, chicken stuffed into roasted sheep's carcass and the sheep stuffed into a whole camel."
However if this recipe did in fact start out as a joke, people claim to be making it now, on many web pages people have described how to prepare it, cook it, how long it takes, and how the meal tasted... If you had the instruments, the ingredients, and one very large party would you want to make and or eat this Middle Eastern version of Turducken? I'm not sure if I would... sounds like an incredible amount of odd flavors to put together... I guess I would try it if it was out in front of me, but I don't think I would search out for it...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Most Expensive Coffee In The World....

Kopi Luwak or Civet Coffee
Is one of the world's most expensive and low-production varieties of coffee. Its made from the coffee beans that were previously digested by the Asian Palm Civet. Civets only eat the finest coffee berries they can find, once eaten it basically passes through their digestive tract and then the beans are defecated, gathered, washed, sun dried, lightly roasted and brewed for consumption. These beans have an almost irresistible aromatic essence that any coffee addict would find hard to resits not to try a sip. This coffee has a very low acidic and bitterness than to most other coffee out there.
Its mostly produced on the islands of the Indonesian Archipelago. Such as Sumatra, Java, Bali and Sulawesin. There are also productions in the the Phillippines (where their product is called Motit Coffee in Cordillera and Kape Alamid in the Tagalog areas).
The Origin of Kpoi Luwak goes back to the 18th century from the production of coffee in Indonesia. The Dutch established the Cash-Crop Plantations for the colony in Dutch East Indies Islands of Java and Sumatra, during the era of Cultuurstelsel (1830-1870) the Dutch made it so that the native farmers were prohibited to pick the coffee berries for their own use... still, the natives craved to have a taste of that beautiful hot or cold beverage they soon happened to find that a certain animal... "Musang or Luwak" Asian Plam Cevit consumed the coffee berries and theft the coffee beans behind in their droppings. So the natives would collect the beans, clean, roast and brew, finally getting the chance to drink their own coffee. It wasn't long before the famed aromatic Civet Coffee spread throughout all the locals, where it became the favorite of all coffee, yet because of its rarity and its unusual process, the Civet Coffee was expensive even in Colonial times.
Selling prices for the United States alone is anywhere between $100 to $600 per pound of Civet Coffee.
In November of 2006 Herveys Range Heritage Tea Room, in Townsvill, Queensland Australia, put Kopi Luwak Coffee on its menu at $35.00 USD a cup... Selling seven cups a week.
There are not too many places that brew this interesting coffee, but there are plenty of places online who do sell it by the pound... I know that for California the closest place to be able to buy a cup would be San Fransisco, maybe someone knows a place in San Diego that I'm not aware of... But I promise that if I ever get the chance to try it, I'll be sure to inform to anyone who is listening/reading this blog. Probably film it and put it on Youtube ;D, thanks again for listening/reading.

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Had To Get A New Computer...

Well had to get a new computer, but its great, We both love it and have been playing around on the new monitor. We made sure that this one was on as much warrenty we can get on it. :) And so far its very nice, we like the feel of it, its very easy to find things, and easy to figure out and use. Overall very happy with it. Can't wait to start some more blogging for anyone out there that has the extra time to read random thoughts and blogs. ;D.

We are going to try to post our first youtube video on the mother sauces by sunday, We plan to show anyone who wants to know how to make the basic five mother sauces. It will be lots of fun! Hope everyone will like it!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Monday, September 26, 2011


Sorry we haven't blogged in a while... Our systems crashed, my mother likes to call it the "Blue Screen of Death" she says that when computers/laptops have a blue screen that its the end of the line for them... but with several days of entering random codes and restarting we finally got it back!!! Our next step for today is to go get it looked at and hope we do not have to buy a new computer any time soon... otherwise, looks like we have to dip into our savings... Oh well, things happen for a reason! Just glad it came back from the dead just for a little bit longer! Hope all is well for all your electronic devices!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


It is amazing to know how much of a difference a dish can be by just adding butter... Butter is one of the most amazing natural things out there! I gave a quick survey to random people about butter, and its almost insane what people will do with it and how they eat it... Few of my favorite answers that were shared with me... 1. "I take a frozen 1/4 tablespoon chunk of butter, dip it in batter and fry it, its the fat of heaven"-Mary H. 2. "I like to buy a fresh baked roll an smear cold butter all over it like as if it was peanut butter and then sprinkle sugar over it, then I just take slow large bites and savor each moment"-Angela A. 3. "Honestly I hate to admit this, but... I just take an entire stick, then dip it in sugar and then a light dip in coco powder"-Anonymous 4. "I cook everything with butter! Savory and Sweet! But I have to say my favorite thing to make with butter... Hollandaise! Its only one egg yolk to one pound of melted butter!! Yum!! Cardiac arrest here I come!" -Ben T.

But if I had to choose my favorite thing to make with butter its going to have to be Bur Blanc... Its butter with a wine vinegar reduction... and its amazing! Purely, Sinfully, orgasmically right in the world yum!

What do you have to say about butter? Do you love it, like it, or cant live without it? What is your favorite dish to cook with?

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Monday, September 19, 2011

Its Amazing...

It truly is amazing to know that historically there was two ways to obtain food... In the past it was Hunting/Gathering and Agriculture. Now days its food industries and multinational corporations that use extreme farming and mass produced agriculture... Now days not only are there no limitations on how much food you can actually get... but you have the capability to try anything from any part of the world, even from your very own kitchen... Its amazing to think where food will be next 300 years from now... Wish we could be there to see it, taste it and smell it!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine Tell us what you think, do you have questions? Are there topics you would like for us to cover? Let us know!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What's Ahead!

We have lots of ideas on how we would like to introduce our self's and how we would love for you to introduce yourself to us! We are going to be planning many non profit events where we will have the pleasure of you trying our foods with no cost, just to hear feed back!! We will make sure to keep an update on when and where these events will occur. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Please take the time to look at our website at we would love to hear feed back, and would like to answer any questions.

-Chefs Ioanna and Raven from Pique Season Cuisine

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Where Do We Go From Here....

Hello! I'm Executive Chef Ioanna and I'm Sous Chef Raven, both proud owners of Pique Season Cuisine.
Our Company is focused on providing you the highest-quality service there is - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. We will work with almost any budget, and all menus are custom made to fit your wants for your special event! We do anything from company meetings to a romantic evening with your significant other. Contact us and make an appointment for a free consultation!  

 Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.