Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


It is amazing to know how much of a difference a dish can be by just adding butter... Butter is one of the most amazing natural things out there! I gave a quick survey to random people about butter, and its almost insane what people will do with it and how they eat it... Few of my favorite answers that were shared with me... 1. "I take a frozen 1/4 tablespoon chunk of butter, dip it in batter and fry it, its the fat of heaven"-Mary H. 2. "I like to buy a fresh baked roll an smear cold butter all over it like as if it was peanut butter and then sprinkle sugar over it, then I just take slow large bites and savor each moment"-Angela A. 3. "Honestly I hate to admit this, but... I just take an entire stick, then dip it in sugar and then a light dip in coco powder"-Anonymous 4. "I cook everything with butter! Savory and Sweet! But I have to say my favorite thing to make with butter... Hollandaise! Its only one egg yolk to one pound of melted butter!! Yum!! Cardiac arrest here I come!" -Ben T.

But if I had to choose my favorite thing to make with butter its going to have to be Bur Blanc... Its butter with a wine vinegar reduction... and its amazing! Purely, Sinfully, orgasmically right in the world yum!

What do you have to say about butter? Do you love it, like it, or cant live without it? What is your favorite dish to cook with?

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

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