Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Friday, December 30, 2011

The New Year is Coming!

The New Year is coming... Wow this year has gone by so quickly. And I feel that we have done a lot , but at the same time not enough. I think for the New Year we will try to save up more, to give more. But in order to do that we will be needing a lot more clients. Raven and I love doing Probono parties, but if we don't have the funds it limits us to doing it. It may take money to make money, but it also takes money to give something back. I think We are going to open an account and start saving for people who need food, not food from a can, but fresh homemade comfort food. I beileve that will be one of our focuses for this Next Year.
We are going to the WorldBeat Cultural Center for New Years Eve this Year. We wanted to do something fun and relaxing, a great way to end and start the New Year. If you wish to join us you can Register at its free admission the registration is so that they have an idea of how many people are going. There will be food, dancers, drum circles, and yoga sessions. So if you want a fun and Relaxing evening come join us at the WorldBeat Cultural Center in Balboa Park.

About New Years

Today we use Gregorian calendar as well as the Julian calendar used in ancient Rome. With most countries using the Gregorian calendar as their main calendar, New Year's Day is the closest thing to being the world's only truly global public holiday, often celebrated with fireworks at the stroke of midnight as the New Year starts.  


The Romans dedicated this day to Janus, the god of gates, doors, and beginnings. After Julius Caesar updated the calendar in 46 BC and was then tragically murdered, the Roman Senate voted to deify him on January 1st 42 BC, in honor of his life and his new updated calendar. The month of Januray owes its name to the Janus, who had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking back. This suggests that New Year's celebrations are founded on pagan traditions.

Among the 7th century pagans of Flanders and the Netherlands, it was the custom to exchange gifts at the New Year. Most countries in Western Europe officially adopted January 1 as New Year's Day somewhat before they adopted the Gregorian calendar. In England, the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25, was the first day of the new year until the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar in 1752. The March 25 date was known as Annunciation Style; the January 1 date was known as Circumcision Style, because this was the date of the Feast of the Circumcision, being the eighth day counting from December 25 when Christ was believed to be born. This day was christened as the beginning of the New Year by Pope Gregory as he designed the Liturgical Calendar.

Chinese New Year is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is the first day of the lunar calendar and is corrected for the solar every three years. The holiday normally falls between January 20th and February 20th. The holiday is celebrated with plenty of good food, families, lucky red envelopes (filled with money), and many other red things to resembles good luck. Lion and dragon dances, drums, fireworks, firecrackers, and other types of entertainment fill the streets on this day. It is the favorite holiday for many adults and children who celebrate it.

 Hindu New Year falls at the time and date the Sun enters Aries on the Hindu calendar; normally on April 13th or April 14th depending on the Leap year. The New Year is celebrated by the young and old. Children of all ages pay their respects by seeking their parents and other elder’s blessings. They also exchange tokens of good wishes for a healthy and prosperous year ahead.

 Islamic New Year moves from year to year because the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar.

 Israel is one country that uses the Gregorian calendar but does not formally celebrate the New Year's holiday — mainly due to objections by religious parties on the holiday's non-Jewish origins. However, there are Israeli Jews who partake in some sort of celebration. The date of the Jewish new year is celebrated on Rosh Hashanah no matter where the location.

 Japanese New Year in Japan is celebrated on January 1 because the Gregorian calendar is now used instead of the Chinese calendar.

 Korean New Year called Seolnal is the first day of the lunar calendar. Koreans also celebrate solar New Year's Day on January 1 each year, following the Gregorian calendar. People get a day off that day while have minimum three days off on Lunar New Year. People celebrate New Year's Day by preparing food for the ancestors' spirits, visiting ancestors' graves, then playing Korean games such as Yutnol'i  with families. Young children give respect to their parents, grandparents, relatives, and other elders by bowing down in a traditional way and are given good wishes and some money by the elders. Families enjoy the New Year  also by counting down until 12:00 a.m., which would be New Year's Day.

 Ethiopian New Year called Enqutatash. It is celebrated on September 11 or September 12 based on the leap year. Ethiopian use their own ancient calendar. However some say it has connection with Julian calendar.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas!! And Happy Holidays!!
7AM: I just placed the turkey in at 428 degrees F for the first 15 minutes. I will then place the temperature down to 356 for the remainder time which will be between 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours. I'm so excited!!! The Family has not got up yet, so I think I will surprise them with a Christmas Breakfast!!!
Hope you all are safe, warm, and full of joy with your loved ones!!!

8AM The turkey has been in the Oven for One hour now, it smells amazing. The Aroma has woken my family and they all had to come to the kitchen to see what it was. ;D Which worked out perfectly, because The Christmas Breakfast had jut finished. I made baked French Toast, and with it I made scrambled eggs and hash browns. Fresh squeezed Orange Juice, Milk and Eggnog. We are going to eat talk about our Christmas presents that we opened last night and then the cooking for our lunch/dinner will begin!

9AM Last hour for the Turkey to be in the Oven, It smells amazing throughout the entire house!! Cant wait for it to come out of the oven! We are going to let it sit for the same amount of time that it took to cook, we are then making the gravy. Not to mention we will be making all the sides while we are waiting for the turkey to rest! :D so happy!

10AM The Turkey Smells and Looks Amazing!! We are now taking it out of the oven to rest for three hours before serving... Now we have started on our stuffing, mushroom casserole, green beans, and Brussels Sprouts. Yum!!

12PM Everything is smelling great!! Just finished the gravy, one of the stuffing's and mushroom casserole. Almost done with the second stuffing, about to start the roasted potatoes, peeling the other potatoes for the mash, Ham, and prepping the Brussels Sprouts and green beans. two hours left and everyone will be here for a fantastic feast!!

1PM Almost everything is done, Ham should be out of the oven soon, roasted potatoes are coming out soon. Finishing up the last touches and setting up the table. One more hour and food will be in our stomachs!!

2:30PM Food!!

3:30PM Desserts!! Lemon Meringue, Chocolate Cream Pie, Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Pumpkin Spice Bread and a pie I did not make that was brought over... Not sure what it was, but it tasted amazing!!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!! Hope All Is Well!!
Thanks for Reading!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Well yesterday I made all of the desserts on our list plus two more.

First thing I made was Mini Pumpkin Spice Bread, this dessert bread is so yummy, especially since I made a honey whipped butter to go with it. This bread is so Christmas! It has all that Season To Be Joly flavor, it makes my family happy and even though it meant extra time on my feet, which killed my ankle by the end of the night, it was worth it, because the minute I saw that smile on their faces, pain wasn't even a thing to think about. I'm not sure who invented the pumpkin bread or when it was first introduced, all I know it was pure genius.

Second thing I made was the Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes, this cake was invented around 1900's, when the typical housewife wanted to make a cake very decorative for her family and guests. However, the pineapple rings went used until 1911 when James Dole's engineers invented a machine that would cut the pineapple into rings. The first recipe for pineapple upside down cake wasn't issued until 1936 in the Sears Roebuck Catalog. This isn't a Christmas dessert, but my brothers would kill me if it wasn't on the dessert table.

Third thing I made was Chocolate Cream Pie, the kids love this pie, and my mom loves mine. I make mine out of dark chocolate, and I do not over sweeten it. I love my chocolate to have a little bitter bite to it, making my mom happy with a dessert she can have because she can't eat over sweet desserts and make the kids happy because its chocolate. Cream Pies are medieval they go way back, custards were made often, especially into pies, however the Chocolate Cream Pie was not introduced until the 19th century.

Fourth thing I made was Lemon Meringue Pie, this pie is my brother Niko's ultimate favorite pie, if I didn't make this, chances is he wouldn't have talked to me for some time. This citrus fluffy pie is amazing! The Quakers are the creators of the invention of lemon custard in the late 1700s. Elizabeth Coane Goodfellow, is the amazing genius of her time who invented the Lemon Meringue Pie in 1806. If it wasn't for this woman, who knows how much longer we would of had to wait to taste this wonderful treat!!

The next plan for today, have Christmas Eve breakfast at my fathers house, then come back to my mothers where I will be helping on Marinating the Turkey, Boiling the ham, Starting both stuffing's, and prep for tomorrow. its going to be a great Christmas!! Happy Holidays Everyone!! Hope it is full of joy, hope and warmth!
Thanks for Reading!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Friday, December 23, 2011

Game Plan

Our Christmas Dinner This year will be...

Turkey of course! With the turkey we will be making a yummy thick butter based marinade. Within this butter we will have lemon juice and lemon zest, orange zest, minced garlic, salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, and cayenne pepper. We will then rub this all over the Turkey the night before inside the cavity, under the skin and all over the outside. We will then stuff the cavity with the left over lemons peels, garlic, whole peeled onions and rosemary sprigs. We will then put it in the fridge till Christmas morning and bake it at 356 degrees for 2 1/2 to 3 hours for a 12 pound turkey. We then are going to take out everything from its cavity and make gravy out of it along with the drippings. Yum!!!

Ham! we will be making a very yummy ham. We are going to boil the ham first for three hours with plenty of aromatics such as carrot, onions and celery. We are then going to Score it and place cloves on each square that we scored. We are going to cut fresh pineapple and place it around the ham and bake it at 375 degrees F for about an hour. We are going to baste it with the glaze every 15 minutes.

Brussels Sprouts with Panchetta
Roasted Potatoes
Garlic Roasted Green Beans
My Grandmothers Stuffing
My Step Fathers Stuffing with is made with Habaneros
Mashed potatoes, the kids would not be happy without mashed potatoes

Lemon Meringue Pie
Pineapple Upside Down Cake

I'll do my best to rememebr to take pictures to post up.
Thanks for Reading!!!

Happy Holidays!!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Thursday, December 22, 2011


So Sorry for not having written in a while, as most of you know I have been training for 5K's and three days ago I fell and rolled my ankle. My doctor says I have a level two sprain, which had me stuck in bed for the last three days and must stay in it for the next six. I finally was able to get my laptop and connect the wifi, which has given me the capability to write on the blog spot today.

All the cooking that had to be done has been done, I'm leaving it to my crew to make sure that all baked goods are delivered to the right places and on time. Then everyone has the time off for the Holidays for a well deserved break.
I'm hoping I can squeeze in some film time for our YouTube page, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it. I'm going to see if I can convince Raven to do it, However he is extremely busy with his family for the holidays... So we will see if that works out.
I'll do my best to write on what's going on with me and my family throughout the holiday weekend.
Hope everyone has the happiest of holidays!! Stay Safe and Warm!
Thanks for Reading!!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thank You Erica for The Idea

Erica asked us to make a vegetarian Empanada with spinach with an Asian Influence, so we did. It turned out great!! Here is the Recipe and Thank You Erica for the Idea!!

Four Cups All Purpose Flour
Two Cups Coconut Oil
One Cup Cold Water
1/2 Cup Chopped Green Onions
1/2 Teaspoon Salt

4 Grated Cloves Garlic
1/2 Tablespoon Grated Ginger
1/4 Tablespoon Grated Lemongrass
2 Pounds Fresh Spinach
1/3 Cup Coconut Oil
1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon
3 Large Eggs
1 Cup Room Temperature Cream Cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste

Egg Wash:
2 Large Eggs
3 Tablespoons Water

Preheat Oven to 450 degrees F
In a large pot add coconut oil and have the heat at a medium high heat, once the oil is heated add the garlic, ginger and lemongrass and saute until its aromatic "about 2 to 3 minutes". Then add in the cinnamon, cook for an additional minute and then add in the spinach. Continue to cook until spinach is dark green and all ingredients are well Incorporated. Then put aside and let cool.

While waiting for spinach to cool you can make the crust.
In a medium bowl add in all ingredients except water. Mix well until crumbs are formed. Then start to add small amount of water a little at a time. "you might not need all that water" Once the dough is fully combined and resembles a pie crust dough split the dough in half, flatten with your hands and place in plastic wrap. leave in the Fridge to chill for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Once Spinach is cooled, put on a cutting board and chop it up well. Then place in a Medium bowl, add all remaining ingredients and mix well.

Roll out the dough and with a biscuit or round cookie cutter of your choice in size, cut as many pieces as you can from the dough. The dough should be about 1/8th of an inch thick.
Then place a small amount of filling in the center of the cut dough, fold in half and pleat it closed.
Make an egg wash and brush over all Empanadas. Place in the Oven for about 10 to 13 minutes or until golden brown.
Let cool and enjoy!

Chai Epi, Green Tea Buns and Lemon Meringue Oh My!

So we baked a lot yesterday. A lot of bread and pies. A very nice woman hired us for her annual Christmas Soup Party. She made six different kinds of soups for her guests to try and we made the bread and dessert. It was a lot of fun. The Green Tea Buns were very tasty but my favorite was the Chai Tea Epi's! So good!! Everyone loved the Lemon Meringue Pies! I love to here compliments! She loved us and wants to use us again for next years soup party! Can't wait to see what will be in store for us then!
Thanks for Reading!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Friday, December 16, 2011


We are not baking or cooking today, today is clean up. so many dirty dishes!! We are going to be doing a deep cleaning in the kitchen today. taking everything off shelves and cleaning the shelves, Walls, floors, ceilings, tables, deep deep cleaning with all of our equipment such as our deep fryers who need an oil change. Today its a devotions to cleaning! And I'm happy to have so many volunteers to do it with me! Hope you are all having a fantastic day! "Tiss the season to be jolly"
Speaking of being Jolly we as a group have decided on placing names of homeless shelters and choosing the name from a bag, and we will be baking some treats for them for the end of the month. So if you have any names in mind please let us know!
Thanks for Reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Peach Rooibos Tea Bread!!

We are making fresh Vegan Peach Rooibos Bread!! I am happy to say that with all the weird looks I got from my family, employees and friends that I made this bread pass with flying colors. Not only did everyone love the bread! But everyone asked me to make a loaf to take back home with them! This morning I made french toast out of this bread for my family, they said that french toast will never be the same again! They loved it!! I'm so happy this bread was a big successes!

Its going to be in our permanent menu! And we can try out any kind of tea that you wish for your bread!
Dont forget that if you would like us to try something out we can in our test kitchen. If you have any great ideas let us know, we will try it send you the recipe and if you want to share with the other bloggers we can post your name with your idea for everyone to see!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ShortBread Cookies

one cup or two sticks butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups flour

Cream butter and sugar in the mixture till fluffy. Put salt into flour, add a half cup of flour at a time until all ingredients are combined. Roll out to 1/8th of an inch and make your choice of shapes. We put two different colors and then rolled them into little balls and shaped them into little squares.
300 degrees F for 15 minutes.

Thanks for Reading!!!
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Candy Cane Cookies!

These cookies were a big hit last night, and have been requested for us to make more!! I'm so happy they turned out so well!! Here is the recipe.

2 1/2 cups flour
2 sticks or one cup of butter "Room Temperature"
1 cup powdered sugar
1 egg
1 tsp "your choice extract" we used peppermint
Red Food Coloring

Cream butter and sugar together in a mixer until fluffy. Add the extract and egg. Then add in the flour a half a cup at a time. After fully Incorporated stop the mixer and take out half of the cookie dough and place in plastic wrap and put in the fridge. Then scrape down the rest of the cookie dough in the bowl and add a 1/2 teaspoon red food coloring, then mix until the dough is bright red. Scrape it out and place in plastic wrap and place in the fridge. Leave to chill for one hour.
Then measure out an even amount of dough and roll into balls of both colors. Then take one of each color roll into long snakes/logs, make sure they are both even sizes and gently overlap each color. Then pick an end of the sticks and curl over to make it look like a candy cane.
Place on a well greased cookie pan with parchment paper and bake at 350 degrees F for 9 to 12 minutes.
Take out and let them cool in the cookie sheet pan.

Thanks for Reading!!
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Sunday, December 11, 2011


The difference between work at my job which involves cooking and work at home which involves chores... I prefer work at my job, I actually like that work. But at home... I hate doing laundry, it takes up most of the day, then there are all the dishes in the house that no one seems to be able to do on their own, not to mention how difficult it must be to bring the dirty dish to the sink? Its amazing how at work I make sure to keep any expired or no longer good food item out of my walk-in, but my own fridge had a great amount of expired things in the fridge that no one even goes near... Lets just say my fridge is basically empty and their was a long conversation that my family and I need to watch for expiration dates, and stop wasting food. Once that was done I made a weekly list of what we would buy fresh from the grocery store and local Farmers Market fresh every week and only enough for the week. This way we avoid expiration dates and save money. Everyone seemed to be happy with it, including about getting to go to the Farmers Market every Saturday. We chose Saturday because we all love the Farmers Market in little Italy, its very large, lots to choose from and a lot of fun! And the bonus, its dog friendly! Love it! Hope your day is all well! If you go to the Farmers Market, which one and why?
Thanks for Reading!!

Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sorry I have been sick...

So sorry that In have not written, I have been sick. And could not work for a couple of days. I have been wondering how the kitchen has been with out me, my staff say they are doing fine. Raven says everything is going smoothly. I trust him, he is an awesome partner! I just think getting sick is a waste of time. I'm feeling a lot better! I can't wait to get back to work, but I'll have to wait till Monday :(, Sunday I'll have a new vlog up on our YouTube page make sure to check it out and comment!!
Monday we are going to be doing holiday cookies and sometime next week we will be attempting the macaroons again! So stay tune for that! We will make sure to keep you updated!!
I hope everyone is well and healthy. Make sure to overdose on Vitamin C, drink lots of water and stay warm!!! Being sick just flat out sucks!
I was recommended to try this soup that will help my cold go away faster, it has helped, however its so bland and boring... It is 4 medium onions, 4 cloves garlic and 4 cups of water. Boil for 25 to 30 minutes. then pour yourself a bowl, bundle yourself up and eat while its hot. You must finish your bowl of soup within 15 minutes. Then try to have a second bowl if you can. After that stay under warm covers for at least one hour to two hours. This soup will sweat you out, you will want to take a hot shower after this... and repeat till you are feeling better or in my case can't stand to eat something so bland anymore.
Have you ever tried something that someone had recommended to you to cure a cold? If so what was it? How did you like it? And most importantly did it work?
Thanks for Reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonCuisine

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oregano Oil Recipe

One Jar
Fresh Oregano Leaves
Vegetable Oil

Place fresh oregano leaves in the jar "enough to fill the jar but not packed" then add in the vegetable oil. Then shut the lid and leave in a sunny place for 12 to 20 days. The longer it goes the more potent it will be. This reciepe can be used for cooking and medical. Go less on the days for cooking and longer for the medical.
Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic, as well as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments. A Cretan oregano (O. dictamnus) is still used today in Greece as a medicine for sore throat.
Oregano is high in antioxidant activity, due to a high content of phenolic acids and flavonoids. It also has shown antimicrobial activity against strains of the food-borne pathogen.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

History of Chocolate Goes a Long Way...

Chocolate history began in Latin America in 1000 BC. The people who lived in that time has left nothing behind on if they even used chocolate, all we know is that they lived among the cacao beans. In 250 - 900 AD the Maya lived and they did leave history with them that not only did they live with the cacao beans but they used them as currency, with only 10 beans you could buy a rabbit for dinner. Even back then there was such a thing as counterfeit, for some very intelligent people found that you could imitate the cacao bean by simply carving it out of clay. These clay beans was used as currency until the 19th century!!
The Maya didn't only used cacao as currency, they also found a way to make a chocolate drink from it and used this chocolate beverage in rituals sometimes even to replace as blood, they used this drink in marriage ceremonies and even had a cacao God to worship.
Now the Maya only used cacao for drinking only, solid chocolate wasn't invented till after the 18th century.
The Maya prepared their chocolate beverage by harvesting the beans, fermenting them, drying them out, roasting, removed the outer layer and finely griding it to make it into a paste. With this paste they added hot water, chili, vanilla, annetto, allspice, honey and types of flowers. They then frothed the chocolate drink by pouring it back and forth between two containers. The Maya believed this was not only the best part, but the most important.
Later on the Aztecs came along and conquered the Maya and their land. The Aztecs continued using the chocolate traditions and even drank this chocolate drink cold. Around 1200 - 1500 AD the Aztecs figured out how to patten and sell, by trading their cacao beans. The trade started in Texas and moved on from there.
In 1502 Columbus was the first white man to see cacao plants, however blew his chance to be the first white man to discover the beans since he saw little important to the beans.
In 1518 Cortez 'discovered" the cacao beans and conquered the Aztecs for the beans and the land.
Later on the Spaniards realized that after adding sugar to the bitter chocolate drink that it became pleasant to drink, they kept the adding of the sugar a secret to themselves for some time.
Spanish doctors had all agreed that chocolate cured fevers, body pain, aiding in digestion and cooling the body, so doctors started to subscribe chocolate as medicine. The Church also approved chocolate to be a nutritional supplement for eating while fasting. However this did not last long, for people did not want chocolate for only a supplement and medicine they wanted to consume it more often and so they did.
Chocolate then spread throughout Europe, it was all the rage, and the first time caffeine has ever arrived in Europe. Even though caffeine is very low in chocolate, tea and coffee had not shown up in Europe just yet. After chocolate showed up in Europe there was a high demand for chocolate, so plantations sprung up and thousands of people were enslaved to produce cacao beans. The cacao beans were later moved from Central America and was planted in Venezuela, Java, Sumatra, West Indies and Africa. However the only difference was is that Central America used Criollo which is a higher quality cacao bean. Everyone else used Forastero for it was easier and cheaper to grow, even though the quality was not as good. To this day 90% of chocolate is made by the Forastero and not the Criollo.
After 1800's chocolate inventing began!
1850's and Englishman named Joseph Fry made the very first solid Chocolate Bar by adding more cacao butter to cacao powder and sugar and less water.
1875, Daniel Peter and Henri Nestle added condescend milk to solid chocolate and made the first Milk Chocolate Bar.
1879, Swiss Chap Rudolphe Lindt invented the Conch, a machine that rotated and mixed chocolate to a perfectly smooth consistency.
1907, Milton Hershey's factory was making 33 million kisses per day for consumers.

Its amazing how chocolate was made, discovered, fought for, reinvented and how we use it today. It is said that is you let chocolate melt slowly in your mouth that your heart and brain begin to race faster than is you were passionately kissing someone... Is it true... not sure... Maybe I'll try it...
Thanks for Reading!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quicky Before I Forget...

So we plan to attempt the Macaroons again, its going to be next week!! I'm hoping we get it right the first batch, but we will buy enough for six more batches... The entire day will be devoted to Macaroons. Lets hope it works out, because if the first batch does work out the other five batches will be made and many people will be happy because we will be giving them away and asking on how they feel about them. Because we are going to want that feedback!

Other Projects Going On:
We are still woring on flavor profiling for vegan pies
We are trying to make gluten free vegan bread
We are working on vegan soups
We are working on the easiest ways to make Mock Chicken
After all these recipes are perfected we do plan to share the recipes and directions on how to make them, right now we have Vegan White Bread on our YouTube page go check it out and tell us what you think!

Future Projects:
Recipes and directions on how to make homemade Greek Yogurt
Holiday Cookies
Holiday Cakes
Holiday Beverages
Holiday Dinner Recipes

Please email us or comment if there is anything specific you would like us to do, write about, recipes, or questions about us.
Thanks for Reading!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC


"In ancient times a distinction was made between a substance that increased fertility versus one that simply increased sex drive. One of the key issues in early times was nutrition. Food was not so readily available as it is today. Undernourishment creates a loss of libido as well as reduces fertility rates. Substances that "by nature" represent "seed or semen" such as bulbs, eggs, snails" were considered inherently to have sexual powers. Other types of foods were considered stimulating by their "physical resemblance to genitalia"

It's important to realize these food substances were identified (documented) by the likes of Pliny and Dioscordes (ancient Greeks) first century AD and later by Paul of Aegina from the seventh century. Later more credence was given to foods that "satisfied dietary gratification".

Other foods deemed to have these aphrodisiac qualities were derived from mythology. Aphrodite, the love goddess was said to consider "sparrows" sacred because of their "amorous nature" and for that reason were included in various aphrodisiac brews.

There was not always agreement upon what foods were actually aphrodisiacs or "anaphrodisiacs" (decrease potency). But the ancient list included Anise, basil, carrot, salvia, gladiolus root, orchid bulbs, pistachio nuts, rocket (arugula), sage, sea fennel, turnips, skink flesh (a type of lizard) and river snails.

The ancients suggested you steer clear of dill, lentil, lettuce, watercress, rue, and water lily."

Now that ancient time has passed and science is progressed at least according to the western side of modern medicine there has been no true fact that foods like this exist, scientist say that its all in the mind, that simply because people believe it now days. Back then it was said to help with nutrition, but now that in most countries there are greater sources to better the lack of nutrition only the belief that aphrodisiacs truly exist are left behind. So the question is are aphrodisiacs really true and the scientists have it wrong, or do we just have an amazing excuse to eat all these wonderful things just make make another romantic wonderful thing happen. I guess we will never be sure. But then again, almost every single culture had their version of an aphrodisiac, so maybe its something that science doesn't understand yet, so they say its not true. Aphrodisiacs are meant to awaken the passions... Regardless if its true or not I like the fact that it brings people closer together, men and women can get very inventive and making a night of just dinner a really fun romantic night to remember. I love, Love. But here are a few food items that you may or may not know that are Aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiac Foods List

  • Almond

    A symbol of fertility throughout the ages. The aroma is thought to induce passion in a female. Try serving Marzipan (almond paste) in the shapes of fruits for a special after-dinner treat.
  • Aniseed

    A very popular aphrodisiac with many culinary uses. It has been used as an aphrodisiac since the Greeks and the Romans, who believed aniseed had special powers. Sucking on the seeds is said to increases your desire.
  • Arugula

    Arugula or "rocket" seed has been documented as an aphrodisiac since the first century A.D. This ingredient was added to grated orchid bulbs and parsnips and also combined with pine nuts and pistachios. Arugula greens are frequently used in salads and pasta.
  • Asafetida

    Any Indian dried, powered herb used as a sexual stimulant in Ayurvedic medicine. The herb has a very strong, garlicky flavor.
  • Asparagus

    Given it's phallic shape, asparagus is frequently enjoyed as an aphrodisiac food. Feed your lover boiled or steamed spears for a sensuous experience. The Vegetarian Society suggests "eating asparagus for three days for the most powerful affect".
  • Avocado

    The Aztecs called the avocado tree "Ahuacuatl which translated means "testicle tree". The ancients thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree resembled the Male's testicles. This is a delicious fruit with a sensuous texture. Serve in slices with a small amount of Balsamic vinegar and freshly ground pepper.
  • Bananas

    The banana flower has a marvelous phallic shape and is partially responsible for popularity of the banana as an aphrodisiac food. An Islamic myth tells the tale that after Adam and Eve succumbed to the "Apple" they started covering their "nudity" with banana leaves rather than fig. From a more practical standpoint bananas are rich in potassium and B vitamins, necessities for sex hormone production.
  • Basil (sweet basil)

    Is said to stimulate the sex drive and boost fertility. It is also said to produce a general sense of well being for body and mind.
  • Broccoli Rabe (And Other Mustard Greens)

    The ground seeds of various plants in the brassica family were believed to increase virility. In the case of broccoli rabe its more likely a myth created to get people to eat this bitter vegetable.
  • Chocolate

    The Aztecs referred to chocolate "nourishment of the Gods". Chocolate contains chemicals thought to effect neurotransmitters in the brain and a related substance to caffeine called theobromine. Chocolate contains more antioxidant (cancer preventing enzymes) than does red wine. The secret for passion is to combine the two. Try a glass of Cabernet with a bit of dark chocolate for a sensuous treat or let us temp you with our recipe for Chocolate Espresso Pots de creme.
  • Carrots

    Another good reason to eat carrots--believed to be a stimulant to the male. The phallus shaped carrot has been associated with stimulation since ancient times and was used by early Middle Eastern royalty to aid seduction. High vitamins and beta-carotene. Perhaps a justification for a piece of carrot cake?
  • Coffee

    Caffeine is a well-know stimulant but remember, too much and it becomes a depressant. Serve small amounts of rich dark coffee in special little demitasse cups. Coffee stimulates both the body and the mind so partake of a little in preparation for an "all-nighter".
  • Coriander (Cilantro seed)

    The book of The Arabian nights tells a tale of a merchant who had been childless for 40 years and but was cured by a concoction that included coriander. That book is over 1000 years old so the history of coriander as an aphrodisiac dates back far into history. Cilantro was also know to be used as an "appetite" stimulant.
  • Fennel

    In the 1930's fennel was found to be a source of natural plant estrogen's. Use of fennel as an aphrodisiac dates back to the Egyptian times where it was used as "libido enhancement".
  • Figs

    An open fig is thought to emulate the female sex organs and traditionally thought of as sexual stimulant. A man breaking open a fig and eating it in front of his lover is a powerful erotic act. Serve fresh Black Mission figs in a cool bowl of water as it is done in Italy and be sure to eat with your fingers!
  • Garlic

    The 'heat' in garlic is said to stir sexual desires. Make sure you and your partner share it together. Garlic has been used for centuries to cure everything from the common cold to heart ailments. This is a good time for moderation. Enjoy a pasta with a lightly garlicky sauce and it and lead up to something spicy in the bedroom later.
  • Ginger

    Ginger root raw, cooked or crystallized is a stimulant to the circulatory system. Perhaps a stir-fry with freshly grated ginger can stir something spicy up in the bedroom later.
  • Honey

    Many medicines in Egyptian times were based on honey including cures for sterility and impotence. Medieval seducers plied their partners with Mead, a fermented drink made from honey. Lovers on their "Honeymoon" drank mead and it was thought to "sweeten" the marriage.
  • Liquorice (licorice)

    The Chinese have used licorice for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The essence of the Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) plan, glycrrhizin, is 50 time sweeter than sugar. Chewing on bits of licorice root is said to enhance love and lust. It is particularly stimulating to woman.
  • Mustard

    Believed to stimulate the sexual glands and increase desire. Prepare a tenderloin roast (fillet Mignon) for two with a mustard and peppercorn sauce.
  • Nutmeg

    Nutmeg was highly prized by Chinese women as an aphrodisiac. In quantity nutmeg can produce a hallucinogenic effect. A light sprinkling of the spice in a warm pumpkin soup can help spice up your evening.
  • Oysters

    Oysters were documented as a aphrodisiac food by the Romans in the second century A.D as mentioned in a satire by Juvenal. He described the wanton ways of women after ingesting wine and eating "giant oysters". An additional hypotheses is that the oyster resembles the "female" genitals. In reality oysters are a very nutritious and high in protein.
  • Pine Nuts

    Zinc is a key mineral necessary to maintain male potency and pine nuts are rich in zinc. Pine nuts have been used to stimulate the libido as far back as Medieval times. Serve pine nut cookies with a dark espresso for a stimulating dessert.
  • Pineapple

    Rich in vitamin C and and is used in the homeopathic treatment for impotence. Add a spear to a sweet Rum drink for a tasty prelude to an evening of passion.
  • Raspberries and Strawberries

    Perfect foods for hand feeding your lover. "Both invite love and are described in erotic literature as fruit nipples" Both are high in vitamin C and make a sweet light dessert.
  • Truffles

    The Greeks and the Romans considered the rare Truffle to be an aphrodisiac. The musky scent is said to stimulate and sensitize the skin to touch.
  • Vanilla

    The scent and flavor of vanilla is believed to increase lust. According to the Australian Orchid Society, "Old Totonac lore has it that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican fertility goddess, loved a Totonac youth. Unable to marry him due to her divine nature, she transformed herself into a plant that would provide pleasure and happiness." Fill tall Champagne glasses to the rim and add a vanilla bean for a heady, bubbly treat.
  • Wine

    A glass or two of wine can greatly enhance a romantic interlude. Wine relaxes and helps to stimulate our senses. Drinking wine can be an erotic experience. Let your eyes feast on the color of the liquid. Caress the glass, savor the taste on your lips. Do remember that excessive alcohol will make you too drowsy for the after-dinner romance. A moderate amount of wine has been said to "arouse" but much more than that amount with have the reverse affect.
Thanks for Reading!!
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine