Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Sunday, October 30, 2011

100 boxes of cookies...

Today we will be placing all the cookies we have made into party favor boxes, 100 of them... The boxes are small and delicate and each one with have three different types of cookies in them. The cookies are: Wasabi Ginger Chocolate, Basil Lemon, and Pumpkin Parmesan. Each box with have a tiny bow to hold the lid closed... Its going to be a very long day; however its worth it for our clients. I'm pretty sure she's going to love it!! Well have to get started on things!! Hope all is well for you! \
Thank for Reading!

-Ioanna & Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Find us on Facebook!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Early Bird Makes The Brioche!

Brioche is a highly enriched French pastry/bread with a very very high content of eggs and butter. It is light and in my words fluffy, but you could use the term airy. Its commonly eaten for breakfast or a sweet snack. Brioche itself has been used mostly for desserts/snacks normally adding a filling of chocolate or fruit. But I have used it myself as a savory bread. For example we are going to be making portobello brioche sliders for the November party that's coming up, as well as making pumpkin caramel bread pudding with it as well. We are so excited for this party!! Did I mention its for 90 people!! And 18 Courses!!? Its going to be one very amazing experience! Make sure to go to our Facebook account and website, we'll be uploading pictures... And don't forget to follow us on Twitter, I will be tweeting the entire time we are up there, letting everyone know what's going right and wrong and how it turns out!!!
Well speaking of Brioche, I need to start taking it out of the fridge to punch it down, place them in their pans, and letting them sit out for two hours before baking them!! Yeah!
Thanks for Reading!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Find Us On Facebook!
Pique Season Cuisine

Friday, October 28, 2011


We now have a Twitter Account as well, and in the process of having a Facebook Account, I was not aware how long it takes to upload pictures on Facebook, but we will have that up shortly I hope... I'm happy to have done this so that we can have more interactions with clients, future clients and people who just want to know whats going on with us, if they have any questions on how to make something or if they want a video to be made so they can read and see visually how something is made... I know I'm a visual person, if I cant see how something is done its very difficult for me to get it. Raven on the other hand does really well when its written or explained verbally. Which just makes it clear that everyone learns and absorbs things differently. Hope to hear from you soon!!!

BTW we are so excited for the November Party!! Its almost here!!! 18 Courses for 90 people!! Wow!! Largest Party Yet!
Thanks for Reading!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What we have come up with...

Well we had a lot of fun playing around with new cookie ideas... We didn't get the chance to do the Macaroons, but we do plan on trying it soon... I think we are making ourselves busy on purpose so that we don't have to attempt another batch again... But that's just a theory of mine... Looks like our winning cookies for our November party are:
1. Chocolate Chip Cookies "However the chip it self is dark chocolate with ginger and wasabi... yum"
2. Lemon Basil Cookies "These cookies have the perfect burst of citrus and an herbal yum at the end"
3. Pumpkin Parmesan Cookies "These cookies are amazing, I have to give Raven full credit for these babies. They are beyond words, if I had to choose a word... 'FOODGASIM' would be the one. ;) The play of flavors from the earthy squash to that nutty buttery cheese is a wonderful combination!"

So what cookies have you played with, what's the weirdest combination you have ever tried or even thought of?
Thanks for reading! Hope your baking day is a happy one!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We are Test Kitchening today!! And its all about Brioche and Cookies!! The Brioche is a very easy tasty bread to make, its just very time consuming... And when I say time consuming, I mean two days... But can't wait to bake and eat it! We made the first half of the batch yesterday and today we get to bake it off! We are also making cookies, shhhhh can't tell you what they all are yet, but I can give you a hint... it involves Herbs and Vegetables!! Yup! Things that are meant to be Savory but now are going to be turned into a dessert! Yes!! We love working with challenges like this! By the way we are also going to make an additional attempt to make Macaroons again! Lets hope that it works out this time, we have done so much research about these cookies that I think that I can write a book on Macaroons, the title "100 Ways To Screw Up Your Cookie"... Think its a good title? Maybe I should stay away from writing that book. Anyway I'll make sure to let everyone knows how it goes today, cant wait to sample everything!! Wish you could too!
Speaking of you readers about sampling, Raven and I are planning on doing a probono party for new testers and hopefully future clients. We haven't had the time to sit down and write down the details, such as food, place, time and date... But we do know that we are going to do it. It basically means that its free food for you and all we ask in return is to be honest with what you think with our food and spread the word about us!! So once Raven and I have it all figured out we'll make sure to keep you in the loop!! As always, Thank you so much for reading!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baby Shower

We did our first Baby Shower, the mother to be is a sweetheart and soon to have a little girl. We made what she wanted and that was Lasagna Rolls. We did an all cheese, a ground beef, and a vegetable. Along with a mix green salad with an option of yogurt caesar dressing and a balsamic vinaigrette. Home made garlic bread and of course a cake. I'm happy to report that the party went very well, the guest and herself loved the food and were overall pleased with us. She has already hired us for her little girls first Birthday Party. We can't wait to do it next year!!
Thank you for reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yet Another Macaroons Gone Wrong...

Well we tried making macaroons again, after the Seventh attempt we finally figured out what we were doing wrong... At least I hope we figured out what we were doing wrong... We ran out of Almond powder so we didn't have the supplies to attempt another batch... We think that we were over whisking the Meringue... We were whisking it to stiff peaks, which in fact apparently its has to be at a snowy soft peak... So we plan on going for a third round of macaroons on Monday, hoping that we can research enough to get these babies done right... Thank Goodness that we have time to master this technique before the November party! Please if you have any tips we would love to write them down!!
Thank You For Reading!!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


There is no doubt that pumpkins are the symbol of Halloween now a days, but before Halloween began the meaning for Jack-O-Lanterns was to welcome your passed loved ones home and to warred off all evil spirits. The Glowing Lanterns used to be made from carved turnips or gourds and set on the porch with burning lumps of coal inside, no change to candles. When European settlers arrived in America they saw that the pumpkins that the Native Americans have been growing for well over 5,000 years were a lot larger and easier to carve. This Change of type of "welcome Mat" started in the 1800's and has been celebrated with to this day. However this "Welcome Mat" is now used for trick-or-treaters no longer for passed loved ones nor to warred away evil spirits.
Did you know that pumpkins are not in the vegetable family, that they are in fact a fruit? Any squash in the Cucurbitacae family is considered a fruit, such as cucumbers, gherkins, melons and yes pumpkins. All fruits. Interesting fact right?
Thanks for Reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Monday, October 17, 2011


Chicken is a fantastic meat, when cooked right you end up with a tasty, juicy bird... There are so many was to cook it, healthy and non-healthy. So where did these birds come from?
Chickens were in a word made in the Indian Subcontinent a little over a thousand years ago; they are the descendants of hybrids from a Red Jungle Fowl and a Grey Jungle Fowl. Chickens was a very common meat in the middle ages. And the reason for that was because of how easy the meat was to digest, they were easy to take care of, didn't need that much land, they breed well and make tasty eggs. Chicken was eaten all over the Eastern hemisphere. We didn't really have an abundant amount of chickens in the US till World War II, the US had a shortage of Beef and Pork, so chickens became another source of meat. Regardless of where and how they came over, I'm just glad that they did. Did you know that you can freeze Chicken for up to two years without altering their color, flavor, or texture? Good to know huh?
Thanks for reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Sunday, October 16, 2011


When I went to Le Cordon Bleu they taught me many things...What they didn't teach me is how to make macaroons... Yesterday I tried to make them... and wow five batches later I finally got it right. Its one of the hardest cookies I have ever tried making... And for a party that's coming up in November I have to make 270 of them! Lets hope I master this French treat and soon!
On Tuesday we'll be making Brioche, this is not my first time making it, at school they did teach us how... However I haven't made it since 2006, lets hope its like riding a bike!!!
Have you ever had a dish that it was so easy it ended up being complicated? If so which one? What did you do about it? Did you buckle down and tried it over and over again till it was done right? Or did you take one deep breath and say, I'm not in the mood to do this all over again?
Thank for reading!
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Friday, October 14, 2011

Native Foods

Raven and I Went to Culver City on a Foodie Field trip about two weeks ago, it was amazing. We went to several different restaurants and tried their signature dishes... But I have to tell you that the one restaurant that put a wow factor in our minds was Native Foods. We liked it so much, that while we were working in Palm Springs, we ended up finding the Original! And was able to meet the Chef who started it all! Chef Tanya Petrovna, she was a sweetheart and her food is amazing. Its an all vegan restaurant chain, that even meat eaters will enjoy! We just got the confirmation that Chef Tanya will be opening a Native foods in Encinitas! Raven and I are excited to know that we do not have to do a 2 1/2 hour drive to eat at this amazing place! We can't wait for it to open! Hope you have a Native foods near you! Please go give it a try or if you have please comment on what you think!
Thanks for reading!
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Foodie Alert has this amazing site where you can view over 100,000 recipes on this site! They have taken recipes from entire magazines from each edition, for example they have Martha Stewart Living, every single magazine from 1991. You not also can browse through and find a recipe you like, you can read other peoples reviews about it, you can make your own review about it and you can rate it. I'll be sure to be in this site often, maybe get some great ideas for Thanksgiving for my family this year... Its my turn to make it... Gulp, I know I can cook...However your family and friends can be your worst critic's... Does anyone else know what I mean? Where you are confident that you can make really great fantastic yummy creations and then your family gets thrown in the mix... ouch... But what I love about it, is that when even I impress them I know that I just created one hell of a dish! That is the upside.
Thank you for reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Food Trivia

Well I went to clicked onto hobbies and then onto food and beverage and then onto desserts.. Thanks to the cake trivia questions I got 9 out of 10! There was one cake I have never heard nor seen... Its called a kings cake, on wikipedia it states
"A king cake (sometimes rendered as kingcake, kings' cake, king's cake, or three kings cake) is a type of cake associated with the festival of Epiphany in the Christmas season in a number of countries, and in other places with the pre-Lenten celebrations of Mardi Gras / Carnival. It is popular in the Christmas season (Christmas Eve to Epiphany) in France, Belgium and Switzerland (galette or gâteau des Rois), Portugal (bolo rei), Spain and Spanish America (roscón or rosca de reyes and tortell in Catalonia), Greece and Cyprus (vasilopita) and Bulgaria (banitsa). In the United States, which celebrates Carnival mainly in the Southeastern region (Louisiana and New Orleans in particular), it is associated with Mardi Gras traditions.
The cake has a small trinket (often a small plastic baby, sometimes said to represent Baby Jesus) inside, and the person who gets the piece of cake with the trinket has various privileges and obligations (such as buying the cake for the next celebration)."

My culture "Greek" has something like this, however its not as colorful. We place a special blessed coin into the cake for new years, anyone who gets that coin in their slice of cake has good luck all year long.
The Kings Cake is extremely colorful, look it up on google, Traditional colors are purple, yellow, green and white... but I have seen some cakes with other very vibrant colors. I think I'm going to go back to again and test my knowledge on some other food and beverage quiz's! Can't wait to see the result, and what new item of food will I learn... So Exciting!!!
Thanks for reading! Check out the site, test your knowledge, and see where you stand on food trivia.

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Monday, October 10, 2011


Sorry that we have not posted anything in a few days... We are happy to say that we were hired to do a party for someone in Palm Springs, CA.
It was so much fun to do an out of town party! There were so many people, and all positive feedback for the food!!! We even got booked for next month! Can't wait to do that one too! We promise we will have something interesting to read for tomorrow, today was just an explanation on why we have not written in a few days, but what I can write as a real quick write up is the menu that we had done for this party...

-Hummus Platter- Spinach and Feta Hummus and Curried Hummus with fresh fried homemade pita chips
-Cheese Platter- Variety of cheeses, nuts, dried fruit, fresh berries and honeycomb
-Caramelized pears with brie quesadillas
-Spinach salad with candied walnuts, strawberries and blue cheese, served with a strawberry balsamic vinaigrette
-Surf and turf skewers
-Leg of lamb skewers
-Beef skewers
-Pita pockets with fried calamari, red onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and homemade Tzatziki sauce
-Figs with feta and wrapped in panchetta and broiled
-Red Tea Tiramisu
-Chocolate Covered Strawberries filled with Grande Manier
-Chocolate Mousse Cream Puffs
-White Chocolate Truffles rolled in Red Tea Macha

Hope you liked our menu, our client chose everything, we just made sure that it looked good and tasted good too!

Thanks for reading!
Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


"Food- is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilates by the organism's cell in an effort to provide energy, maintain life, and or stimulate growth."

Dictionary: ''
"Any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.
Junk Food: Chips or candy, that has high calorie intake with very little nutritional value
Rabbit Food: Raw vegetables, especially lettuce, carrot, radish or celery
Squirrel-Food: A nut, a loony person
Worm-Food: A corpse"

We no longer live in a time where we think that food is a source of living, at least not in America. Even though we need food to keep us alive, not too many people give it a second thought anymore. Food Contest such as eating contest, cook offs, and breaking records for the largest food item ever made are what we use for entertainment. Food has now become entertainment. It doesn't state that in the dictionary or wikipedia...

We have come a long way from where food was scarce, and man learned how to store and preserve out of necessity and survival, not flavor and size. Now days we play with food because we can, we have the luxury to do so. We have the resources to play, invent and create! What a different time we are living in... I wonder what the future holds for next generations to come? Will the entire world eventually have an over abundance of food? Will everyone around the world come up with the next most amazing dish ever made? If only I had the chance to look way into the future to see what food as in store for everyone... I hope it is great, I would like to see and know that everyone has food, that there is no starvation, that everyone has the chance and choice to play with their food... Do you get to play, invent and create?

Thank You For Reading...
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Are Finally Doing It!

We have finally started uploading vlogs on youtube! We are doing the Five Mother Sauces for the next five weeks. The first sauce that was posted is Espagnole or Brown Sauce.
In the 19th century, Auguste Escoffier basically improved this brown sauce and it is still being used to this day. Espagnole is rarely used directly on foods for it has a very strong and intense taste. Its mostly used to enhance other sauces, which is why it is one of the Five Mother Sauces. This Brown sauce is the source to other sauces/soups/dishes, such as Sauce Africaine, Sauce Bourguignonne or even a simple Demi-Glace, there are upon hundreds of different things you can make with Espagnole as a base.
Although Espagnole is a French word for Spanish, it has very little to do with Spanish cuisine.

According to Lois Diat "There is a story that explains why the most important basic brown sauce in French cuisine is called Espagnole or Spanish Sauce. According to the story, the Spanish cooks of Louis XII's bride, Anne, helped to prepare their wedding feast, and insisted upon improving the rich brown sauce of France with Spanish tomatoes. This new sauce was an instint success and was greatly named in honor of its creators."

There are many other stories on how this beautiful sauce began, but no matter who invented it, the most important thing is that is was created and that its still being used to this day.

Please stop by our youtube page and check it out. My apologies in advanced, we used my camera phone to film the mother sauces, but I'm going to make an investment and buy an actual video camera for here on out.
Thank you for reading...
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Monday, October 3, 2011

RX-Coconut...Is It The Perfect Health Nut?

The Coconut Development Board from India has made many discoveries on the properties of coconut water, not to be confused with coconut milk. Coconut water is the liquid within the coconut when first opened. Coconut milk is the juice that is extracted from the coconut meat. The coconut is a member of the Arecaceae Family also known as the Palm Family.
The name coconut goes all the way back to the 16th century from Portuguese and Spanish which means "grinning face" because of the three holes located on the shell. Coconuts are found all over the tropics and it is a daily diet for those who live there. Its endosperm also know as edible "flesh" for its fresh stage or "copra" for its dried stage is a tasty treat for most, but coconut isn't just food, its used for many different things besides the fact that the oils and milk from a coconut is used for cooking and frying, coconut is also used for soaps and cosmetics. The coconut water has even been used to make alcohol and the husks and leaves are used for furnishing and decorating.
But want I find most important is what research from the Development Board of India has done with coconut water...
-Reduces Problems of Infants With Intestinal Disturbances
-Is An Effective Oral Rehydration Medium
-Contains Organic Compounds Possessing Growth-Promoting Properties
-Keeps The Body Cool
-Used Topically for Prevention of Prickly Heat and Summer Boils and Relieves Rashes Caused By Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Measles, etc...
-Kills Intestinal Worms
-Checks Urinary Infections
-Tonic for the Old and Sick
-Cures Malnourishment
-Dissolves Kidney and Urethral Stones
-Useful As Blood Plasma Substitute
-Urinary Antiseptic and Eliminates Poisons In The Case of Mineral Poisoning.

Coconut is not only a tasty treat, but can help you in daily life health issues and more. Who knew medicine could taste so good?!

Thank You for reading!
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Worcestershire Sauce

Fermentation; makes food last much longer, makes it easier to keep at room temperature and lets face it, makes the original food item taste a heck of a lot better! Examples: Sauerkraut and Kimchi (Sauerkraut- Is a Special shredded cabbage dish from Germany that has been fermented by many different types of lactic acid bacteria causing the dish to have a long shelf-life and a very distinctive sour flavor that is produced by the combination of the bacteria and sugar.) Kimich on the other hand is (a traditional fermented Koren cabbage dish made up of a variety of vegetables with varied seasonings. There are hundreds of variations of kimchi made with a main vegetable ingredient such as nappa cabbage, radish, cucumber or green onions.) Fermentation not only makes food taste better, but also makes it safer for consumption. the crossing between fermentation and rotting lays a fine line between them; however rotting foods smell and taste horrible and are most definitely not safe to eat, where fermentation makes food taste good, some people believe it smells fantastic and its most definitely safe to eat. There are so many foods that people eat every day that don't even realize that it items in that specific dish has fermented food or liquids in it. Some examples: Pepperoni Pizza 'its crust is made from a bacteria called yeast, the cheese was left in a warm room to ferment and the same goes for the pepperoni'. Blue cheese, wine, beer and yes today's subject of the day Worcestershire Sauce.
Worcestershire sauce is a fermented fish sauce. This sauce can be traced back to the 17th century. The Worcestershire variety became popular in the 1840's and is a legacy of the British rule of the Indian Subcontinent.
Basically the sauce is made up of anchovies that have been soaked into white vinegar and other various ingredients and left there till the entire fish has been dissolved, bones and all. its then strained and poured into jars for consumers like you. This specific sauce enhances flavors in the dishes you choose to cook it with, it causes your meats to have an even more distinct flavor, creating a greater aroma and really getting those salivary glads blasting off ready for consumption!
If you have the time and will here is a fantastic recipe for you to be able to make your very own Worcestershire sauce. Not that fermentation is a long processes, but its worth your time and effort. You also can change up some the seasoning ingredients, make a Worcestershire sauce of your very own! That no one else has!

2 cups of distilled white vinegar
1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup soy sauce
3 tablespoons yellow mustard seed
3 tablespoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorn
1 teaspoon whole cloves
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
5 smashed cardamon pods
4 chopped chilies of your choice
2 smashed garlic cloves
1 1" stick of cinnamon
1 chopped white onion
1 1/2" peeled and crushed ginger
1/2 cup of white granulated sugar

Add all ingredients, except sugar to a pot and bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and hold it there for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile cook the sugar in a separate pot, cook for about 5 minutes or until the sugar has turned from a clear white to a dark amber. Add the caramelized sugar to the vinegar mixture and whisk well till its combined, cook the sauce for an additional 5 minutes, then transfer into an air tight container or jar and refrigerate for a minimum of 3 weeks. After 3 weeks you can strain your sauce and use at will. you can keep this sauce up to 8 months. It makes about 2 cups worth."make sure not to burn the sugar, if you add burnt sugar to your sauce the time you will have put into it would not have been worth it."
Thank You for taking the time to read this hope you enjoyed it, and hope you have the time to make this incredible enhancing sauce!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine -email us for any questions, comments, concerns... -Check us out! -Check out our youtube page, we will be posting new vlogs soon!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

How Far Have We Come With Soup?

Soup Throughout History
To Know when boiling liquid and where it started is hard to pin point; none the less its clear that humans knew hot to boil water around 6,000 B.C., long before the invention of pottery. Man was able to figure out that putting together clay and bamboo trees or reptile shells and stomachs of animals can become the perfect vessels to hold liquids long enough in fire to boil meats and vegetable. When nothing else was available, they were smart enough to figure out on making a pit, filling it with water, meats, vegetables and throwing in hot flaming stones in the water, causing it to boil. How they managed to transport the hot stones from fire to water without scalding themselves in the process remains a mystery.
Plenty of evidence, including residue sticking to pots, tell us that man regularly consumed soup even in the Iron and Bronze Ages.
Soup today is much inventive and can be very sophisticated. Soup can be a meal, and appetizer, or even a dessert! its amazing to know how far back soup goes, but the one thing that has never changed about soup throughout history is that it is still in fact comfort food and I believe it always will.

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine