Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Monday, October 17, 2011


Chicken is a fantastic meat, when cooked right you end up with a tasty, juicy bird... There are so many was to cook it, healthy and non-healthy. So where did these birds come from?
Chickens were in a word made in the Indian Subcontinent a little over a thousand years ago; they are the descendants of hybrids from a Red Jungle Fowl and a Grey Jungle Fowl. Chickens was a very common meat in the middle ages. And the reason for that was because of how easy the meat was to digest, they were easy to take care of, didn't need that much land, they breed well and make tasty eggs. Chicken was eaten all over the Eastern hemisphere. We didn't really have an abundant amount of chickens in the US till World War II, the US had a shortage of Beef and Pork, so chickens became another source of meat. Regardless of where and how they came over, I'm just glad that they did. Did you know that you can freeze Chicken for up to two years without altering their color, flavor, or texture? Good to know huh?
Thanks for reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

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