Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We are Test Kitchening today!! And its all about Brioche and Cookies!! The Brioche is a very easy tasty bread to make, its just very time consuming... And when I say time consuming, I mean two days... But can't wait to bake and eat it! We made the first half of the batch yesterday and today we get to bake it off! We are also making cookies, shhhhh can't tell you what they all are yet, but I can give you a hint... it involves Herbs and Vegetables!! Yup! Things that are meant to be Savory but now are going to be turned into a dessert! Yes!! We love working with challenges like this! By the way we are also going to make an additional attempt to make Macaroons again! Lets hope that it works out this time, we have done so much research about these cookies that I think that I can write a book on Macaroons, the title "100 Ways To Screw Up Your Cookie"... Think its a good title? Maybe I should stay away from writing that book. Anyway I'll make sure to let everyone knows how it goes today, cant wait to sample everything!! Wish you could too!
Speaking of you readers about sampling, Raven and I are planning on doing a probono party for new testers and hopefully future clients. We haven't had the time to sit down and write down the details, such as food, place, time and date... But we do know that we are going to do it. It basically means that its free food for you and all we ask in return is to be honest with what you think with our food and spread the word about us!! So once Raven and I have it all figured out we'll make sure to keep you in the loop!! As always, Thank you so much for reading!!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

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