Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Are Finally Doing It!

We have finally started uploading vlogs on youtube! We are doing the Five Mother Sauces for the next five weeks. The first sauce that was posted is Espagnole or Brown Sauce.
In the 19th century, Auguste Escoffier basically improved this brown sauce and it is still being used to this day. Espagnole is rarely used directly on foods for it has a very strong and intense taste. Its mostly used to enhance other sauces, which is why it is one of the Five Mother Sauces. This Brown sauce is the source to other sauces/soups/dishes, such as Sauce Africaine, Sauce Bourguignonne or even a simple Demi-Glace, there are upon hundreds of different things you can make with Espagnole as a base.
Although Espagnole is a French word for Spanish, it has very little to do with Spanish cuisine.

According to Lois Diat "There is a story that explains why the most important basic brown sauce in French cuisine is called Espagnole or Spanish Sauce. According to the story, the Spanish cooks of Louis XII's bride, Anne, helped to prepare their wedding feast, and insisted upon improving the rich brown sauce of France with Spanish tomatoes. This new sauce was an instint success and was greatly named in honor of its creators."

There are many other stories on how this beautiful sauce began, but no matter who invented it, the most important thing is that is was created and that its still being used to this day.

Please stop by our youtube page and check it out. My apologies in advanced, we used my camera phone to film the mother sauces, but I'm going to make an investment and buy an actual video camera for here on out.
Thank you for reading...
-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine

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