Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Friday, November 11, 2011

A few attempts on the list

We still need to try to do the macaroons again... we have been avoiding it/I mean we haven't had the time to do it...

We are also going to attempt today to make Vegan Brioche, I know what a difficult thing to do right? Brioche is all about the butter, milk and eggs... But I think we might be able to accomplish it... We wont know how it will turn out till tomorrow around 3 or 4pm, but we will find out soon enough...

We are also going to be attempting something very different for the holidays, but we are not allowed to say it out loud yet... Hopefully it turns out, if it does... we might be the first to have accomplished it. there is a chance that someone else has figured this out, it just hasn't been shared with the world yet... :D

We also want to start vloging on our YouTube page on items our followers/subscribers/readers and watchers ask us to try/taste/attempt, film it and upload it for all to see... So make sure you start emailing those requests in! We haven't received anything yet but excited to see what kind of results we'll get.

We are also trying to place a charity function/advertisement together, we plan on asking companies that involve food that have been in business for less than three years, have less than 8 employees and still have not been able to get their name out there. We want to get those companies together along side with us and have a tasting to the public of all our foods, we plan to charge a small fee at the door, not for the food but for a charity that we have not chosen yet for the holidays... we hope. So if you have a list of companies that involve food lets us know, if there is a Charity you have in mind that could really use the money let us know. We will be getting in contact with them soon. For the food companies, they need to know that they will be spending their own money, and know that they will not be receiving it back, this is meant to help a Charity and to help those specific companies like ourselves at Pique Season Cuisine to get our names our there and show what we can do! Hope to hear/read from you soon!!
Thanks for Reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

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