Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Cigar Box Cake for 40th Birthday

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Palm Springs...

It is very beautiful here, peaceful and so far very quiet... And very cold!!!At least this morning. We drove up last night to avoid traffic and a good nights rest, I think we chose right. But wow, did not expect it to be this cold in the dessert.... I'm wait for Raven and my Foodie Designer to wake up, so we can have some breakfast, and then get started with organizing what we need to do and by when before the party this Saturday. I'm so excited to be doing 18 courses for 90 people!! It is amazing, a challenge, but exciting, because I know that we are going to do great!
I'll be posting pictures on Facebook for sure, I might post some on here as well...
Hope everyone has an amazing morning!!
Thanks For Reading!

-Ioanna and Raven
Pique Season Cuisine!/PiqueSeasonC

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